
Lisa Ballam

Head of Marketing

Charity Digital Marketing - Performance Boost Breakfast

1 min read

Last week we hosted a breakfast event, in the heart of Covent Garden, for Digital Marketing Managers in the charity space.

Digital Marketing Event Covent Garden

After grabbing some grub and having a mingle, our guests were treated to a Q&A with Dan Papworth-Smyth, Head of Digital Engagement at Breast Cancer Now, where he shared some of the secrets of success for their record breaking Afternoon Tea Fundraiser.

Q and A with Dan Papworth-Smyth

Ros, our Digital Account Manager, then gave a short talk on Google Ad Grants, reviewing the impact of the changes made over the last two years and providing some valuable tips to optimise performance. Keep an eye out for the Google Ad Grants blog to follow.

[Google Ad Grants] is a topic that has been grossly neglected on the whole. I can’t remember it ever being covered in such detail at similar events I’ve been to over the years, so good to see!

Joe Freeman, Social and Digital Media Lead, NHS Digital

Charity Digital Marketing Event

This was followed by table discussions, covering topics such as how not to cannibalize your own campaigns; how to manage brand awareness v fundraising activity simultaneously, and the importance of user generated content.

The table discussion – I really liked that. It was a mix of venting, commiserating, and swapping ideas.

Emma Smith-Bodie, Online Manager, Muscular Dystrophy

Our guests

We were joined by a fantastic range of charities, including Alzheimer's Society, Children with Cancer, NSPCC, Refuge, and Concern Worldwide.

Torchbox Charity Digital Marketing Event

We’ll be sharing the details of our next Charity Digital Marketing event for 2020 in the New Year. If you would like to be added to the invite list, let me know.