
Olly Willans

Chief People and Planet Officer

Streamfield solves the content management conundrum

Related post categories Digital products Wagtail
1 min read

The problem...

If you edit CMS pages, you know this problem: your template doesn’t cut it, either you need different functionality or a different look. And, you have two bad options:

  1. Make another template (or change the one you are using), but this way your backend infrastructure gets bigger and harder to manage over time.
  2. Fiddle around with the ‘WYSIWYG HTML editor’ (like TinyMCE or whatever you use), but that's limited and hacky, and it's a bit like stuffing rubbish down the back of the sofa - your content becomes soiled with markup, it can’t be repurposed for a different output like a mobile app, or easily upgraded.

The solution...

We need flexibility, but until now, flexibility has come at a heavy price. Step up Streamfield.

Streamfield lets editors add any type of content block at any time (and then move them around). 

Video Thumbnail

Influenced by Sir Trevor and now reminiscent of systems like Shorthand, Streamfield is limited only by the imagination of the designers & developers and the blocks that they create. Try it now in the newly released version of our open source content management system, Wagtail 1.0. The screencast below demonstrates how to make a simple page using Streamfield in Wagtail.