
Olly Willans

Chief People and Planet Officer

Wagtail, what’s next

Related post categories Digital products Wagtail
1 min read

One of the things we’ll talk about at the next What’s New in Wagtail is the work that we’ve been doing on the vision for Wagtail for the next couple of years.

The web is rife with quotes about the importance of having a vision. I don’t mean like this one

"If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.”

George Orwell

(thanks for that, George), I mean more like this:

“If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.”

Steve Jobs

When a team is excited about a product vision and you’re all bought into it, you can make so much more happen. Even if you don’t fully deliver on the vision, you’ll get a heck of a lot closer than you would have done without it.

So on the one hand, a vision is a motivator, but it’s also a compass. It’ll help us stick to the path and not get distracted from it, for example by building features that don’t drive us closer to the vision.

So far, we’ve laid down five pillars that express the vision. Each one is a statement and a cartoon strip that brings the statement to life. 

Come along to WNiW 4 and find out more.